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5 Seamless Ways to Implement the Observe and Teach Cycle

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I have a question for you:

Managing teaching and assessment can be challenging at times. Lesson plans are an obvious necessity for teaching, but there are four stages to the observation and teaching cycle, and sometimes they all stress you out. The daily management of children alone leaves you feeling like a clown in the circus trying to juggle all the moving parts of caregiving and teaching, and adding the formal elements of the process doesn’t make it any easier. It can be challenging enough trying to figure out what to teach and how to teach it, but what about the other elements involved? Doing them all consistently and simultaneously is actually asking for too much!

...Or is it?

 What if I told you that...

  • There is really a smart approach to this and that it doesn’t have to be as hard as it has been.

  • The best way to do it IS simultaneously, and there is actually a way to implement all four elements that doesn’t leave you feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and always behind in the process.

  • You can connect each of the steps in such a way that will help you stay on top of children’s learning and development AND avoid missing assessment deadlines.

In this training, you will learn:

  • The four elements of the observation and teaching cycle

  • How to set up the cycle in a way that will allow you to implement each stage during the same timeframe it takes you to implement your weekly lesson plan

  • How to rinse and repeat the process and still support children’s growth and development

This training is for early childhood teachers that:

  • Already implement the four stages of the observation and teaching cycle, but is stressed out in doing so

  • Develop and implement lesson plans regularly

  • Struggle with gathering data while fulfilling other caregiving and teaching duties

  • Consistently fall behind in child assessments because of the amount of time it takes to gather data and make sense of it

This training is NOT for teachers that:

  • Do not create their own lesson plans or implement them regularly based on children’s needs

  • Do not regularly assess children’s growth and development as a part of their teaching responsibilities, and not interested in doing so (if you actually want to improve this, you are invited)

  • Use a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching with pre-created activities and projects

Frequently asked questions:

  • I don’t know what the observation and teaching cycle is, will this be a good training for me?

Yes, this is a perfect opportunity to learn the four stages and how you can implement them in your classroom.

What happens after I purchase?

You will be redirected to the link to view the training.

There are no refunds on digital products!

Meet your trainer:

Heyyyy! I’m Flora and here are some fun facts about me:

  • I’ve been in the early childhood education field since 2004.

  • I initially majored in elementary education. However, my first real job working with children was in family childcare so I switched majors after falling in love with the babies.

  • I have three daughters. After the second I didn’t believe I could be a good teacher and the type of mom I wanted to be, so I left the classroom to work in leadership/admin roles and still be available for my children.

  • I’m a day-one Beyoncé fan, but don’t consider myself a part of the Beehive. However, if you talk to me long enough, I will absolutely find song lyrics that relate to our conversation.

  • I’m certified in seven assessment tools (CLASS -Infants, Toddlers, and PreK; Environment Rating Scales- ITERS & ECERS; and Program Administration Scale (PAS) and Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care (BAS)).

  • My favorite snacks are Twizzlers and popcorn; I eat them while developing trainings (chewing keeps me focused).

  • Two things I regret not learning as a child are cartwheels and jumping double-dutch. 

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5 Seamless Ways to Implement the Observe and Teach Cycle

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