Profile PictureTeach for Teachers, Inc.

Top 10 Professional Development Mistakes Made in Early Childhood Education Programs

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Discover the game-changing secrets to avoid common professional development pitfalls, unlock the full potential of your early childhood education team, and transform your program into a powerhouse of excellence – all by avoiding these top 10 mistakes!

I totally get it. You're up late, scouring the internet for the best professional development resources. Your weekends? They're filled with webinars and workshops. Those quick coffee breaks? Just enough time to skim an article on the latest teaching strategies. You're putting in all this effort with one goal in mind: to elevate your early childhood education program.

But somehow, progress seems stubbornly slow. It's like trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle, but the pieces just don't seem to fit. You've probably felt that, right?

Now, let's say you find a promising new teaching technique from a webinar. You can't wait to you introduce it to your team, expecting a positive change in your classrooms. Yet, a few weeks later, it seems like nothing has changed at all. The teachers are struggling to integrate these new strategies, and the classrooms look pretty much the same. Frustrating, isn't it?

Here's the kicker: these setbacks aren't a sign that your efforts are in vain. Rather, they point to hidden mistakes that might be unknowingly holding your program back. These subtle roadblocks could be the missing pieces of your puzzle.

You know what? Let's tackle this together!

Join me for an enlightening audio training. I'll get down to the nitty-gritty and spill the tea on the Top 10 Professional Development Mistakes that lurk around in early childhood education programs. Together, we'll walk through how to dodge these traps, allowing your program to flourish just as it should.

Sounds like a plan, right?

Let's make your hard work count!

Click "I want this" to access it now!

So, who's the perfect fit for this training?

Well, if you're an early childhood director or owner who:

  • Wants to see the professional development you pour your heart, time, and resources into, actually making a difference in the classroom,
  • Is focused on building competent, confident teaching teams through professional development,
  • Has your sights set on developing efficient, fool-proof systems that keep your program running smoothly, and
  • Desires to foster an environment where your teachers feel not just supported, but truly inspired and motivated,

Then, my friend, this training series is crafted just for you!

I bet you're asking, "Why should I watch this class?"

Well, the benefits are numerous.

  • You'll gain an awareness of mistakes you might be unknowingly making and learn practical solutions and strategies to address them. This isn't a one-size-fits-all kind of thing, it's about personal learning experiences tailored to you.
  • Your newfound knowledge will boost teacher motivation and engagement in your program. And when teachers are inspired, the results trickle down - leading to better outcomes for children and their families.
  • The series will equip you with the skills for effective planning, organizing, and executing of professional development activities. And we're not talking about just one or two types of activities, we'll explore a diverse range that cater to different learning styles, needs, and interests.
  • And the cherry on top? You'll learn how to actively follow up and maintain momentum in your professional development efforts, ensuring that the learning doesn't stop when the workshops do.

Now, you might also be thinking, "What if I don't register?"


  • You could continue to struggle with implementing professional development activities, feeling like you're constantly running up a hill.
  • The targeted learning experiences that your teachers need might be missed, leading to less effective teaching and lower staff satisfaction.
  • You may also miss out on establishing systems for maintaining momentum and sustaining learning, making professional development feel like an endless cycle of wasting time.

Signing up for this free training is about more than just avoiding these pitfalls, it's about stepping up your game and leading your program to a new level of success.

Let's make it happen, together!

Click "I want this" to register now!

Here are the details:

Just click "I want this" and after you checkout, your training will be waiting for you in your inbox.

What's in it for you when you sign up?

When you join us, you'll get:

  • Full access to the pre-recorded training. We'll be diving deep into the common mistakes and, most importantly, how to flip them around into successful strategies.

But more than anything else, you're going to experience a transformation. You're going to move from struggling with ineffective PD practices to being the master of a tailored, impactful professional development system that truly resonates with your teachers and brings about real change in your classrooms. Trust me, it's going to be an exciting ride!

And yes, it's absolutely free!

Click "I want this" to register now!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What happens when I register?

A: Then training will be delivered to your inbox within minutes.

Q: Is this really free?

A: Yes! The training series is 100% free, and there's no obligation to contribute. If you'd like to show your appreciation, you're welcome to make a voluntary contribution at checkout or enter "0."

Q: Can I invite my friends in the childcare industry?

A: Absolutely! The more, the merrier. Feel free to share this resource with anyone you think will benefit from it.

Ready to transform your early childhood education program?

Here is what other training participants have said about working with me: click here to see reviews.

Secure your spot now by clicking the "I want this" button!

Meet the Trainer

Hey, there!

I'm Flora, and I offer professional development strategies for childcare owners and early childhood program leaders. I help programs embed professional development activities and team building experiences into their daily operations, so they can build competent and confident teaching teams.

I have almost two decades of experience in early childhood education as a licensed teacher, center-based director, Infant-Toddler Specialist, and Quality Assessor. I founded Teach for Teachers, Inc. in 2014 as a center-director in desperate need of professional development that met the unique needs of my own staff. When I couldn't find what I needed among what was offered, I began creating my own trainings, and have since been training other teachers and leaders with the goal of educating, equipping, and empowering them to do the same.

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Top 10 Professional Development Mistakes Made in Early Childhood Education Programs

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